Innovation Hubs
The ATU iHub at Galway and Mayo offer incubation space and supports to high potential entrepreneurs and innovative business start-ups & scale ups with specific focus on Medtech and Digital Technology companies. We provide access to entrepreneur development programmes such as New Frontiers Ireland’s national entrepreneur development programme funded by Enterprise Ireland (EI), and the EMPOWER programme supporting Female Entrepreneurs in the West Region in addition to access to research collaboration supports on campus through Research Office and the MET Centre.
To date we have:
nurtured 750+ directly supported jobs
hosted 39 high growth start-ups companies
won €180M in investment funding by our client companies
celebrated 7 company acquisitions
conducted in excess of €1.7 Million in collaborative research with our members
transitioned 45 successful companies
helped build resilient companies with 76% of all our member companies still in business after 7 years.